Professor Terry M. Tritt is considered a prominent researcher in the field of thermoelectric materials, in which he has worked over the last decade. Understanding the theoretical and experimental aspects of thermal conduction in new materials is the key to developing the next generation thermoelectric materials. Professor Tritt has edited seven books, authored several review articles, and over 120 scientific publications in his career.
Terry M. Tritt(Research Area)
thermoelectric materials, thermal conductivity, Seebeck Coefficient, thermal transport
Haibin Ning
Associate Professor
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Dr. Haibin Ning’s research focuses on high performance lightweight materials with an emphasis on the thermoplastic matrix fiber reinforced composite materials with various matrix systems and reinforcements. He has published peer reviewed research articles on environmentally-friendly natural fiber composite materials. He has issued patents in developing advanced high performance composite materials for specific applications. He has developed a new standard procedure for determining the fiber content of carbon fiber composite materials. Dr. Ning is the recipient of Professor of The Year Award from ASTM International in 2013 and UAB President's Awards for Excellence in Teaching in 2014. Dr. Ning has taught courses on metallic materials, composite materials, and frontiers of automotive materials.
Haibin Ning(Research Area)
High performance lightweight composite materials; hybrid materials
Dr Omri is currently a Full Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry with a cross appointment to the Department of Biology, the Biomolecular Sciences PhD Programme, School of Rural and Northern Health PhD. He has been active in the vaccine and drug delivery field for over 20 years, and has made important contributions to the development of liposomes and nanomedicines for anti-infective drugs. He has over 150 peer-reviewed publications and is an inventor on 3 patents. He is frequently an invited speaker at national and international conferences. In addition to research, Dr. Omri is actively involved in the research training of both undergraduate and graduate students. Dr. Omri has served in administrative capacities in several national and international scientific societies. He has served on a number of Editorial Boards and Granting Agencies in Canada and abroad. He was an Academic Colleague to the Council of Ontario Universities for 2 terms.
Abdelwahab Omri(Research Area)
Liposomal delivery of antisense oligonucleotides, Liposomal delivery of antimicrobial agents, Liposomal formulations of drugs
Mr. Dapeng Jing is a research scientist at the Iowa State University, USA.
Dapeng Jing(Research Area)
Metal Nanostructures on Semiconductors and Insulators, Surfaces of Complex Metallic Alloys, Stability and Coarsening of Metal Nanostructures on Metal Surfaces
Thathan Premkumar
Associate Professor
Sungkyunkwan University
South Korea
Thathan Premkumar, Indian chemist, researcher. Achievements include patents for a novel process to fabricate metal oxide nanoparticles; patents pending for a green approach to nanoparticles of metal oxides; patents pending for novel method for the preparation and size control of gold nanoparticles. Member of Korean Chemical Society, Polymer Society Korea, Asian Crystallographic Association, Indian Council Chemists.
Thathan Premkumar(Research Area)
Nanostructured Materials, Metal and Metal Oxide, Nanoparticles, Inclusion Complexes, Chemistry of Macrocycles, Inorganic Metal Complexes, Catalysts
Qingguo Chi
Harbin University of Science and Technology
Qingguo Chen is an Professor from Harbin University of Science and Technology. The author has contributed to research in topic(s): Dielectric & Energy storage. The author has an hindex of 11, co-authored 14 publication(s) receiving 686 citation(s).
Qingguo Chi(Research Area)
Dielectric, Energy storage, Dielectric loss, Nanofiber, Capacitor